my name is ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒. (any/all, i do not care), 06/26/1997), some kind of creature who spent most of their life in the southeastern united states fooling around on the computer and in the woods. i currently reside in the northwestern united states and i do not like it very much. perhaps one day ill make it out of this place, but for now i am unfortunately stuck here.

as a young thing, i spean a lot of time on the computer, wandering the early web, as it was still a time where you could wander into fascniating, personal, and admittedly, questionalble things. i remember getting viruses on my families windows 95 pc, and not being able to understand anything as i could not read. around the age of 5, i was given my first computer that i could call my own, i wish i still had it, or at least remembered the specs, so i could rebuild it. what i do remember about this machine was that it was decent for its time, and it ran windows 2000. my grandfather is pretty proficient at computers, and would keep just about every machine in the family running smoothly. whenever someones pc was having any kind of issues, he was on top of it, and i often cite him as the man i learned just about everything i know from. very quickly, i had become one of the most proficient computer users in my family, not really as a creative or anything, but i had taught myself how to operate windows with only the keyboard around the age of 3.

very importanly around this time i had found some of my earliest creative influnces, thos being the art of A.J. Freda and Eric Schwartz, and the music of Peter Hajba, t.A.T.u., The Prodigy, and Shinichi Osawa.

along with being online at such a young age comes the inevitability of dicovering other creators online, and that i did. a myriad of flash games were mere clicks away, and i had a lot of favorites that definitely influenced me, a notable one to me was Uselab's "Acno's Energizer" which was the first game i ever played that had a level editor, and is a game i cite with sparking my interest in level design, you should play it! its fun! quite possibly one of the most important things i ever discovered (as silly as it may sound) was "Sonic Robo Blast 2" which introduced me to id Software's DOOM probably a bit too early. discovering SRB2 and DOOM in 2003 was when i moved on from acnos level editor and discovered what a "linedef" was, and i began to experiment with doom builder a few years later. today i am still tinkering with doom builder and seeing what absurd things i can create with it. i have mountains of unfinished maps and experiments ive toyted with over the years and it is my main form of getting an idea down for a place in 3D space. in more recent years i have also begun to tinker more with hammer, build, unreal, unity, and godot, though i have not yet created anything of any real substance within these environments as of writing. after getting into designing levels, i turned my attention to coding, more specifcally, my attention was caught by the demoscene. by this point, i was well engrossed in playing games from "classic" systems such as my newfound obsession, the SEGA Genesis. as well as the ROM hacking scene, more notably, the Sonic Community Hacking Guide and sonic retro's dedicated ROM hacks section. i started to learn how to code from these resources at a time where it was difficult for a kid who lived in rural florida to find any resources surrounding the topic, but sure enough, i had started teaching myself assembly, and i still practice it to this day, there is a certain bliss in making old computers and consoles display whatever you want, making them create any zany picture or effect you have in mind, and pushing limits while doing so, and i highly recommend you attempt to do the same.

as im sure you can tell by the navbar, im also a furry, and i am very into character design. it probably began through some sonic-related circles and gaia online, as well as me probably finding some sites i should not have been on when i was 10 years old. from there, i feel like i had gone down a rabbit-hole, pun not intended. i had already been using animal characters to represent myself for a while, but here i found myself surrounded by folks who had given it a name. nowadays im usually pretty anti-label, i dont like to categorize myself into boxes like this, but when i discovered furries, it was a sense of validation i had not ever felt before. i had begun my endless pursuit for a suitable sona, i dont think it will ever end. becoming a furry and indulging in its culture lead me to speculate about my identity, as all these folks appeared as one thing in real life, but online, they were whatever they wanted to be, and it make me wonder about who i am, and what i am. what kind of creature could i become, would i ever settle on one thing, or would i be some kind of everchanging being? i guess only time will tell.

eventually, i was all of it, and none of it - an imperfect being piloted by a myriad of creatures. this sense of self-realization gave me some sort of comfort, as i also came to the realization that i could just be. i didnt have to necessarily have to be "this thing i just explained," but rather, i could, i could just continue on as just "me," and not care about anything, or i could not and instead portray any aspect of this new "self."

throughout all of my life, i have been in a constant pursuit of knowledge and information. i may not be able to know eveything, but i can try. ive always been the one sitting there asking why something is, and then going out of my way to tinker with it until i figure it out, regardless of how mundane it might be. its all because of the computer. from the first windows 95 machine i touched, to my amiga 500, to my current desktop and the others i surround myself with, everything i do is because of the computer and the folks i discovered through it.

as time has passed, ive become pretty disenchanted with the modern web. not much exciting happens anymore, and most folks are stuck on the same 3 social media sites, myself included, and the hate and turmoil that bubbles up from all of it, and the way that social media has affected our lives and the world is just something i find unbearably tiring. i would like to retrat back to this space more than anything, as i find it a better spot for me to post my work, and to make it easy to find for others looking for it, or those who are just passing by, whoever they may be. i strongly encourage those who read this to do the same thing. you have a magic box in front of you, a window into an online world, that YOU get to shape, you just need to find a little bit of time to learn, and it is okay to wear your inspirations on your sleeve.

that is probably enough rambling about me and my life. i could go on forever and give you every little detail, but id rather just elaborate on a few important details that explain "why" i do something or "where" an interest began. of course there is much more to me and my existence, as im sure there is with everyone who reads this, or anybody else in the world. if there is something else i feel like rambling about, im sure ill make a blog post about it or something. all in all, im glad youre here, and i hope you find something that resonates with you as it has with me. thank you for reading.